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Since the incorporation of our association we have organised numerous excursions to the sites.


In December 2005 ASSFNE finally achieved one of its major goals: we received the official permit from the community of Paluzza (UD) to start our restoration work along the Passo Monte Croce Carnico (Plöckenpaß), beginning with the defence systems Works No. 1 and No. 2.

In the spring of 2006 we were able to begin the restoration of Work No. 1 with the goal of increasing accessibility for the public and enabling us to organise guided tours. So far we are very satisfied with the progress and quality of the restoration.

Work No. 1 has now been equipped with a generator, thus enabling us to demonstrate how this defence system originally functioned.


Currently, we are repairing the damage which caused by the heavy snowfall which occurred during winter 2015-2016.

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